Plan for Peace of Mind

Your retirement years shouldn't be spent worrying about the future. After a lifetime of hard work, you deserve to sit back and enjoy this time without unnecessary stress. The best way to do that is with an Aging & End of Life Plan.

Working with a Legacy Coordinator means you can rest assured knowing what the future holds - and that your family won't need to worry about making tough decisions on your behalf. It's a gesture of love that lasts far beyond your lifetime.

The Problem

Let’s face it: as a culture, we’re afraid to talk about the realities of getting old and dying. Most of us avoid these conversations for as long as we can. Unfortunately, that means many Canadians are heading into their golden years without a legacy roadmap. Less than half of Canadians have a Last Will & Testament—and even fewer (less than a third) have an estate plan. Aging without a Plan creates all kinds of issues—both for ourselves and for the people we care about.


Aging without a plan means you’ll always be wondering what the future holds. Not just that, but when someone dies without a Plan in place, it creates a lot more work and uncertainty for their loved ones to deal with.


Planning ahead can help you avoid extra costs related to medical care, accommodations, and administering your estate.


Grief and greed are a destructive cocktail of emotions. They can turn even small disagreements into explosive fights. A Plan goes a long way in preventing things from turning ugly.


Your loved ones shouldn’t have to deal with money and logistics while they’re already mourning your loss. A Plan means they won’t have to.

At Viive, we’re trying to change the conversation about Aging & End of Life Planning. We want to create a culture where families can talk openly and honestly with each other about their values, their fears, and their wishes. It can be scary at first—but it’s so incredibly worth it.

Compassionate Conversation that Puts Family First

Your life is completely your own. There’s no boilerplate Last Will & Testament that can capture the full picture of you and your family.

To be effective, your Aging & End of Life Planning needs to be built with a deep understanding of your unique situations: the intricacies of your relationships, the complexities of your financial situation, and the values you hold most dearly.

How do you get there? By working with a Legacy Coordinator who’s really there for you—and who’s ready to put in the time to get to know you and your family.

How We Help >

Viive in the News

Viive is part of a growing movement to change our national conversation about Aging & End of Life. See how we’re helping to start a more honest, empathetic dialogue about aging and death

Meet Mallory

“I believe that we need to make conversations about Aging & End of Life a part of every family’s normal dinner-table topics. We talk about birth, the beginning of life, with such ease. We need to make it normal to talk about death in the same way.”
"Mallory’s drive and passion make the burden of End of Life Planning feel weightless. I couldn't recommend her more. She's providing a truly invaluable service."

The Viive POV

Here's the latest from the Viive team, and from trusted voices in our community.

A person looking through an old photo album.
October 15, 2024

How to Keep Someone’s Memory Alive

Preserving someone’s legacy doesn’t have to be hard work.

An old woman leaning over a balcony in Greece.
September 9, 2024

To Age Well, Forget Everything You Know About Aging

Our societal attitudes about aging aren’t just wrong—they’re also harmful.